Mrs. Elizabeth Matilda Groninger McCachren, wife of J. W. "Brownie" McCachren of Main Street, Port Royal, Pa. died very suddenly Friday morning Dec. 27, 1935 in the exchange room of the Orbisonia Telephone Co., where she was employed as night operator, from acute dilation of the heart.
Mrs. McCachren was seized by the fatal attack just as she went to the door to admit the day operator. Dr. P. H. Shelley was hastily summoned but despite his untiring efforts she failed to respond to treatment and passed to the great beyond shortly after his arrival.
She was age 37, years, 8 months and 27 days and is survived by her husband and four daughters, Martha, Ruth, Mabel and Dorothy, all at home. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Bertha Groninger, and her aged grandmother, Mrs. B. C. Groninger, two brothers and one sister, Mrs. Charlotte Henry of Walker Township; two brothers Benjamin and Darwin of Turbett Township, and a host of friends.
The deceased was an active member of the Port Royal M. E. Church and Sunday School, the Ladies Aid Society, and other kindred organizations of the church and at the time of her death was Cradle Roll Supt., a teacher in the Sunday School and a member of the official board of the church.
She was also an active member of Turbett Grange for over 24 years and a long time member of Juniata County Pomona Grange and said organization attended the funeral in a body.
She was of an affectionate disposition, bright and winning in her ways so that friendship's circle to her was a large one. Indeed, it may be said of her, that "none knew her but to love her."
Her entire life was spent in this community. Here she played as a child, beveloped into beautiful girlhood; here she married and helped to establish a home of her own; here her busy life was spent, her battles fought, her faithful service rendered to the world. To her the struggle bearing of earth are ended, and we confidently trust that like one who awakes from a troubled dream she has awakened to see life's endless morning break and knows herself at home with God.
The body was taken to the funeral home of Mrs. Alba Stimmel and prepared for burial and the funeral services were held in the M.E. Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. J.L. Robinson, assisted by Rev. H.W. Webner, after which interment was made in Church Hill Cemetery.