Contributed by rkohler3 on 11/21/10 - Image Year: 1898
David Barton McWilliams was born in 1844 and died in 1926. He was a son of Robert and Eliza Jane (Porter) McWilliams. He was married to Mary Belle Crozier and Sarah Ann McLaughlin. He and his first wife had four children: Annie Elizabeth, Fannie, Sarah and Belle.
D. B. McWilliams, secretary of the Board of Trade, is one of the best and most progressive men in Port Royal. He is a Juniata County man and was born in Lack Township in 1844. He commenced to hustle for himself when 17 years old, when he began teaching school, which he followed successfully for four years. Mr. McWilliams then learned the blacksmith trade and followed that for 12 years until compelled to abandon it on account of failing eye sight. He then engaged in farming.
About a dozen years ago he engaged in the business of handling fertilizers and was so successful that he was made manager of sales for the Tuscarora Fertilizer Company and has charge of the main office at Port Royal. Mr. McWilliams has made the subject of fertilizers a close study and is thoroughly posted on the subject.
He is also a member of the P. of H., and is one of the state officers. As a member of the Presbyterian Church he is a leader, and the same can be said of him in lodge work, he having been an Odd Fellow for 30 years. He almost claims to be a newspaper man by having been a correspondent so long, and his writings are always read with insight and delight. Mr. McWilliams is social and courteous, makes friends and keeps them. There ought to be more of his kind.