Harry Calhoun BOYER

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WORLD WAR I SERVICE (Submitted by Wayne Taylor)
Contributed by rkohler3 on 1/6/13 - Image Year: 1919


HARRY C. BOYER, son of Mrs. Mary E. Boyer and of the late George Washington Boyer, of Port Royal, died at the Lewistown Hospital, Saturday, [1934] aged 36 years. He had been ill for two years. He died following an operation for perporating ulcers of the stomach.

He is survived by his mother, his widow whose maiden name was Miss Delia Lauver; a daughter, Miriam, aged 12 years, and a son, William aged 10 years; also the following brothers and sisters, Irvin Boyer of North Bergen, N. J.; Wilbur and Emerson Boyer, of New York City; John Boyer, of Port Royal; Mrs. W. E. (Mary) Runkle, of Lewistown; Mrs. Lee (Ida) Sieber, of Mexico; Mrs. C. E. (Margaret) Kerchner. of Greensboro, N. C., and Mrs. Alton (Ruth) Meloy, of Port Royal.

The funeral services were conducted at the home near Port 'Royal, yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment was made in Church Hill Cemetery.

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